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Project Financing Book - Master Asset-Based Financial Engineering | John Finnerty

Your Ultimate Guide to Corporate Success Best Sellers Rank #1,863,161 in the Kindle Store #2,885 in Corporate Finance   Uncover Proven Financing Strategies from a Leading Expert Updated for Today’s Market ►  John D. Finnerty is a renowned authority in the field of project finance, with decades of experience as both an academic and a practitioner. His expertise has helped shape the understanding of how large-scale infrastructure, industrial, and energy projects can be financed using innovative strategies. Through his work, Finnerty has provided essential tools for businesses, investors, and policymakers to effectively structure project financing deals that attract lenders and manage risk. ►  In the Third Edition of "Project Financing: Asset-Based Financial Engineering," Finnerty introduces updated insights to tackle the complexities of modern financial environments. This edition explores cutting-edge techniques such as sustainable project financing and Sharia-compliant financi

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